The Mystery of Golf (1908)


By Arnold Haultain

No one has come closer than Haultain to explaining the ultimate riddle of the game.

Foreword by Herbert Warren Wind, Afterword by John Updike.


Haultain took up golf in his maturity and examines with a convert’s zeal the ineffable harmony of mind, spirit and muscle it demands. “It gets at the existential mystery of the game better than any other book I know,” says Lewis Lapham. “It’s about self-knowledge. There’s an element of stoicism in it: to accept the ball as it lies, to be responsible for one’s own blunders. And to remain in good spirits in the face of adversity.” Even Haultain admits that isn’t easy. “A false stroke in golf is more keenly felt than is a rejected proposal,” he writes. “The girl may change her mind, but a foozle is an irrevocable foozle, and a hole lost is lost forever.” –from Travel & Leisure’s Top 25 Golf Books

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