Ted Bishop Unfriended


Geoff Shackelford, a contributing writer to Golf World magazine, a contributing editor to Golf Digest and a weekly contributor to Golf Channel’s Morning Drive recently sat with former PGA President Ted Bishop to discuss his new book Unfriended.

Ted Bishop’s Unfriended opens like a media crisis thriller,” Shackelford says in his introduction to the interview, “because of the gentle way the former PGA of America president shows how golf’s five families work and takes you behind the scenes of Tom Watson’s Ryder Cup captaincy.”

He then goes on speak with Bishop about a wide variety of topics, from Donald Trump to whether or not the PGA attempted to block the book from even being written. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

GS: Did the PGA Of America attempt to stop the book from being published?

TB: The PGA made it difficult to write and publish my book. Ultimately, I had to seek the services of Levine, Koch, Sullivan & Schulz, one of the top First Amendment firms in the U.S. My lawyers determined that I had not violated any of my confidentiality or fiduciary duties to the PGA. That allowed me to press on with the book. I was fortunate that Classics of Golf publishing stuck with me through the PGA threats. In the end, I allowed the PGA to preview the book before it was published. In my opinion, that validates the integrity of the content in Unfriended.  


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